ISS Investigations South Africa

ISS Investigations South Africa


Child Custody and Maintenance

Nationwide Agents awaiting your Instructions

Nationwide Agents awaiting your Instructions

How Is Evidence Gathered And Used In Child Custody Cases?

During a child custody investigation our investigators utilize:

Observation And Surveillance:

The private investigator will observe the other parent caring for and interacting with the child. This type of surveillance can determine whether or not problems like neglect or abuse are occurring.

In situations where the other parent is abusing drugs or alcohol or failing to provide the necessary attention to the child, the private investigator will obtain evidence. Evidence like this can be presented when testifying about the other parent’s behavior or the living conditions at your home.

Sworn Statements From Witnesses:

A private investigator can talk to witnesses who know the other parent and have seen them interacting with the child. Statements like these can be quite powerful when they are presented in court. They provide a lot of insight into the other parent’s character and behavior.

Details About Their Background:

A private investigator will conduct a thorough background check on the other parent. The information that they obtain can provide a clearer picture of everything from their finances to any criminal activity in their past.

Child Custody Case Classifications:

Every child custody case is different. However, they are typically classified into several general categories. Depending on the type of case, the private investigator will use whatever investigative techniques are the most effective.

Custody Disputes

Anytime child custody disputes arise, it is important to present factual evidence to the court. This is especially true if your partner is accusing you of something that you didn’t do or if you need to show key facts about their behavior.

Violations Of An Existing Custody Agreement

If your partner has broken or violated your existing custody agreement, you need to provide hard evidence to the court.

Examples of violations that frequently occur include forgetting to drop off or pick up the child at a designated time, hanging around people who may be dangerous, or not following through with appointments.

Abuse Or Neglect

Anytime a child is involved, accusations of abuse or neglect need to be evaluated right away. The private investigator will begin gathering evidence as quickly as possible to protect the child’s safety and well-being.

Cohabitation Evidence

If your ex is living with another person, you may be able to lower the amount of child support you are paying. Their living situation may also affect your child custody arrangement. A private investigator can help prove that they are cohabitating with someone else.

Private Investigators Can Provide Much-Needed Assistance In Child Custody Cases

Anytime you are dealing with serious issues like the custody of your child, it is essential to take steps to ensure that they are safe, happy, and protected.

Working with ISS-Investigations is one of the best ways to build a solid case. Contact us today to get the ball rolling. We are dedicated to providing the best services to our clients.

Rodney van Rensburg