Nationwide Licensed Private Investigation Agency

Nationwide Licensed Private Investigation Agency


Now Discover Our Comprehensive Investigation Services at ISS-Investigations

Personal Investigation Services

Private Individuals Request our Services and what we can Offer

Private Individuals Request our Services and what we can Offer

• Background vetting and profiling of individuals
• Dynamic assets search
• ID Verification and authentication
• Academic diploma verification and authentication
• Financial investigations and due diligence
• Forensic Fraud & Criminal Investigations
• Spousal / Marital and relationship infidelity investigations
• Sexual harassment and litigation
• Paternity/DNA forensic investigations
• Cellphone real time intelligence gathering –  local & international
• Forensic Cell Phone activity analysis
• Border Crossing investigations and reports
• Data recovery for mobile devices, computers, laptops, cellphones, hard drives, USB drives, etc.
• Retrieval and extraction of deleted data and messages from cell phones and computers (social media, WhatsAp, BBM ect.)
• Social Media & Internet Investigations
• Cellphone private number caller identification
• Forensic early detection of malware/spyware on cellphones, tablets and computers.
• Missing persons / Locate and track (local and international)
• Skip tracking and tracing
• Surveillance / Physical, digital and electronic (video and photographic)

When Do I Need a Criminal Investigation done?

• If law enforcement investigations produce little or no results
• When you need evidence gathered for criminal defense
• To collect evidence for a criminal case
• To find and interview other witnesses to a crime
• To gather impartial facts about a crime
• If you need surveillance or records searches to collect evidence

ROMANCE SCAMS - Things to look out for:

Feel Free to give us a call 072 613 9925 if you think you were Scammed.

Feel Free to give us a call 072 613 9925 if you think you were Scammed.

Fortinet has highlighted several warning signs that individuals should be mindful of when engaging with a potential romantic partner online, which are:

• Love bombing – Rapid declarations of love, discussions of marriage, and excessive flattery.

• Distance – Persistent excuses for being unable to meet in person, along with a reluctance to engage in phone or video calls.

• Requests for money – Initial small requests that gradually escalate to larger sums.

• Unsolicited investment advice – Claims of being a skilled investor and promises to help make easy money.

• Drama – Seeking urgent financial assistance under the pretense of a medical emergency, accident, arrest, or other unforeseen events, often accompanied by a plausible explanation for their inability to access their funds.

• Requests for explicit photos – Seeking private photos that could be exploited for extortion.

• Inconsistencies in communication style – Multiple scammers taking turns to manipulate the victim.

Business Intelligence Solutions

Corporate Investigations

Corporate Investigations

• Real time business intelligence (B.I.)
• Financial investigations
• ID Verification and authentication
• Academic diploma verification and authentication
• Cyber multi  intelligence monitoring
• Forensic early detection of malware/spyware in cellphones and Tablets
• Cellphone real time intelligence gathering – local and international
• Retrieval and extraction of deleted data and messages from cell phones and computers (social media, WhatsAp, BBM ect.)
• Social Media & Internet Investigations
• Forensic de-bugging of cellphones, tablets and computers
• De-bugging Services
• Forensic Fraud & Criminal Investigations
• Dynamic assets search
• Polygraphy and honesty examinations
• Tracing and tracking of individuals and assets.
• Identity and integrity verification
• Expert Handwriting Analysis
• Dynamic double scope spider profiling
• Individual background and lifestyle checks
• Pre Employment Vetting/Screening
• CV Authenticity Verification
• In depth intelligence and due diligence for highly competitive and complex business entities.
• Counter industrial espionage
• Risk and vulnerability assessment
• Surveillance / Physical, digital and electronic (video and photographic)
• Early detection of cyber crimes/internet hacking on cellphones, tablets and computers
• Border Crossing investigations and reports
• Internet/Online/Computers/Cellphones/Tablets forensic investigations and data analysis
• IT forensic and cyber crime investigations

Rodney van Rensburg